Saturday, January 26, 2013

Concept Shenanigans

So, for my favorite class this quarter, a full-speed train to the face, conceptual illustration, we have to design a video game, over the span of a quarter. In a matter of a day, I had to come up with the synopsis. In a synopsized synopsis, I have this action-adventure game based on Red Riding Hood. The protagonist, currently named "Hood," joins the league of deliverymen to survive in an Industrialized Iceland. With her trusty Wolf Halberd (axe-sword), she completes deliveries, and collects magic staves in order to find her long-lost grandmother, unknowingly, the antagonist of the game.

Still working out the kinks of that, but for the first assignment, called environments, I first had to create these pretty sloppy b/w thumbnails. Behold, all 200 of them.

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