Saturday, March 9, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013

Finals are final

I will be working ALL WEEKEND. What sucks more, is that I'm starting to get the sniffles :C I'm taking all the medicines, and I keep oversleeping which is stressing me out more... ahhhhh. either way. I'll be working 'till the end, if I don't finish, tough poodles for me. I know my limit, and I'm not crossing it this quarter.

Here are some asset updates. (just in case I lose the file via transit again, I can pull from this blog, haha, you thought I was uploading for funsies hahahaha no.)

I still have the really sketchy, sketchy sketches on file, but I'm not uploading them, I cleaned up a good variety for presentation purposes. If I have time at the end, I'll make these even more crisp/do more of them, but for now, I need to do my factory assets, and then finish the illustrations for both of these (and according to my schedule, I have to do all that, and prop turnarounds, by the end of the day. yaay..)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Doodles and Life

Let's start with the latter. My life, is just draining and draining and just draining. 2 more weeks of this quarter and I don't know if I want to make it anymore. The way I've described it yesterday was "being shoved in a cold deep end over and over again and I can't swim" I am so tired of getting out and having someone push me back in. It's just rude, don't you think? I don't think I can handle the mental breakdowns in the middle of the night anymore. This is the first day I've been productive in like, a week. and I've been doodling. I want to finish these, but I really  need to get back to work. Yes, because I can't explain my problems in public, I just draw them. Awesome. [except that last one is really just a doodle] I spent about 20 minutes each on these.

In lighter news, I'm getting more comfortable drawing on a tablet rather than just coloring. Also, I realized this week that Kat does not like to back track. Whatever that means, right?


[I may just disappear and upload everything during spring break]