Friday, March 8, 2013

Finals are final

I will be working ALL WEEKEND. What sucks more, is that I'm starting to get the sniffles :C I'm taking all the medicines, and I keep oversleeping which is stressing me out more... ahhhhh. either way. I'll be working 'till the end, if I don't finish, tough poodles for me. I know my limit, and I'm not crossing it this quarter.

Here are some asset updates. (just in case I lose the file via transit again, I can pull from this blog, haha, you thought I was uploading for funsies hahahaha no.)

I still have the really sketchy, sketchy sketches on file, but I'm not uploading them, I cleaned up a good variety for presentation purposes. If I have time at the end, I'll make these even more crisp/do more of them, but for now, I need to do my factory assets, and then finish the illustrations for both of these (and according to my schedule, I have to do all that, and prop turnarounds, by the end of the day. yaay..)

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