Thursday, February 7, 2013

Character Silhouettes

I had to do 150-250 character silhouettes in a day. Oh my.. Being the overachiever I am, I planned for 200. Being realistically okay with it, I got 150.

I also bought a Cintiq 4 pen, because I am sincerely tired of fighting for the very few [good] Cintiq 3's in the lab. And I am very much tired of fighting for a Cintiq 3 at all. Now I have 2 pens, and I can pick and chose which cubicle to reign [until SCAD gets Cintiq 5's, and for the sake of my wallet, they better not start on that soon.] Anyways. The black Cintiq's are much nicer and clearer and they don't make me nauseous when I work hours on end on them [maybe it's 'cause they're not so scratched up and blurry]

Anywho, silhouettes are mind boggling.

For clarity, and the sake of posting things on my blog. HERE ARE CLOSE-UPS. 20 per character, for class presentation purposes.

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