Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 7 in-progress

Working on Conceptual Illustration stuff all-ish weekend. I've had other engagements to attend to as well and I slept in quite a bit. But I have a loose final design of my main character. And I've gotten a considerable amount of blocking in for one of my environments. Unfortunately, my updated assets never made it through the dropbox, so I have to redo those. Also, quite unfortunate, I forgot my watercolor drawings in my room, and I can't scan those in until tomorrow. So those will have to wait.

But here's Hood and me having some fun with the hue/saturation sliders

Environment 1: The first is the thumbnail I worked off of. The second is my grayscale in-progress. I plan to work on the color in Corel Painter, for practice, and hopefully speed. And no, I'm not excited to draw a factory under that ledge, I wish I could just make it a pond.

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