Saturday, February 2, 2013

Lack of Productivity

It's been rough this past week.

I have to color 4 pages by Thursday for 1 class. I did 2 today.

I'm pretty satisfied with the turn-around. I drew the character last quarter for my character design class. I didn't bother fixing the line-art for color. Mainly because I don't have the time or patience to. (Actually. I haven't the slightest idea what Blogspot did to the colors. It's a lot more subdued, and perfectly fine in the original jpeg .-. [edit: I fixed it. darn channels])

And, I'm not done with this, but I am done with it for today. The line art is a scratchboard assignment I did almost a year ago. I want to digitally alter the blacks, but I need to focus on the colors first. I'm at a standstill with it for now. (Again, blogspot is hyping up my colors, and diffusing my value, I have no idea how to fix this [edit: I fixed this too])

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